Mjorik is definetly out of the tournament voting:
Btw there is the Reversion 2!
I got 3 mins and 45 secs without credits so on MD17 it will be like 5-6 minute movie:
Deadline: 9.9 2017
Member closeline: 1.8. 2017
Do not send any sexual stuff. But you can do spam animations (if you know what that means dumbo)
Do not send any useless tests, this is gonna be on MD17
Do not send any clip that offends any: animator,actor etc.
Try to do an epic animation please :D
Don´t be selfcritic. I cannot hear that anymore
Use creativity on kills and movement i want to see something different :)
The member list is unlimited so it can be tons of collab members
-Idiot (me) /1 clip
-Eliter (electronic - headphone) /2 clips *done maybe*
-DjMety (Scorpiano) /3 clips *done*
-RagonFighter /0 clips
-Dankon /0 clips
-MJorik /4 clips *done*
-Daymariz /0 clips
-MadnessTurbo /0clips
-Gemeos57 /2 clips *done*
-AISFDB /2 clips *still working*
-Dark110 /0 clips
-DoubleDenial (maybe)
-Madness-boy /1 long clip *done*
-MJB28 /2 clips *done*
-VladClown /3 clips *done*
-StarButterfly17 /0 clips
-Grumpy666 /1 clip
-AlexZaba /3 clips *done
-Esetox /2 clips *maybe done*
-Prov55 /1 Extremely long clip *still on work*
-MGL-HEROBRINE /1 long clip
-Alexsey /2 clips *done*
-hfsghhd (working and pending)
-MLG SECRET *shhhh* / Done 1 clip *done maybe*
1. Kitty Song - Djjaner
2. AzeXiR - Titanium
3. Gujit - H3AD
4. Pendulum - The Vulture (CHANGED)
5. Xtrullor - Redux
6. Nero - Innocence (credits maybe)
dats all m8s
don't know why you kick people of your little tournament when it's made for fun, you shouldn't care about what people say if he's bad or good, the guys who voted no are kind of heartless for someone that just wanted to enter a fun tournament.
CryNN (Updated )
It says Professional in that, and thats why, but ok your opinion