Yea news are everyday and something has changed
First of all thank you for all support! You´re the best people in the world!
I´m sorry Armi that i´m working slowly but the clip will be finished soon!
Today my Fish (Eyepluff) died from an disease he was cca. 1.5 yrs. old
so we bought new fish :/ (His name is Arrow)
Thanks to all Steel Eagle members and Eliter for big support and motivation!
Btw Here is the plan of Reversion 2 collab
Deadline: 9.9 2017
Member closeline: 1.8. 2017
Do not send any sexual stuff. But you can do spam animations (if you know what that means dumbo)
The member list is unlimited so it can be tons of collab members
-Idiot (me)
-Eliter (electronic - headphone)
-DjMety (Scorpiano)
-DoubleDenial (maybe)
-MLG SECRET *shhhh*
6 minutes later... "any news" - No... :)
Lol :D