Again here with some massive updates. Im currently grouping up my latest DNB tracks to make an EP that will be availableon Newgrounds only. Ive already got three tracks done. Making a fourth one but i need some motivation for finishing it up lol! I hope it sums up pretty much the summer atmosphere despite it being pretty damn heavy in some parts.
I also gotta thank the NG audio team for frontpaging 4 of my tracks in a row<3 It is so bizzare but heartwarming to see my submissions grow under your spell. thankyouthankyouthankyouu
NEXT UP! Apart from being a bit less active in the summer when it comes to public releases i have a released hard techno podcast under "VIXLATIXN." It is quite a ride must say!
1 hour of ear-piercing hard techno for you
And last but not least! SUN Recap.
Im super happy that Somewhere Under Nevada recieved a ton of praise despite it being a little different. We are slowly but surely packing up our tracks for people to download. I have released my A parts on BC: